Monday, March 16, 2009

Engaging the English Language Learner: Strategies for Success - ASCD Conference

Dr. Gerard Buteau, Dr. Marianne True, Plymouth State University, NH
Manchester School District - Bakersville Elementary School - 1 of 14 schools in the district - 40% ELL (Cultural and Linguistic diversity) - 80% free and reduced lunch - Mt. Pleasant School

Developmental Phases of Second Language Acquisition
Home Language Use
Non-verbal Period
Telegraphic and formulaic language
Productive use of language
(Tabors, 2008)


Language Acquisition Phases
Preproduction/Silent Period - Several Months
Pearly Production - 6 months
Speech Emergence - 1 year
Intermediate Fluency - 1-2 years
Academic Fluency - 5-7 years

Social and Academic Language Acquisition
Social and Survival language
Academic language - Listening, speaking, reading, writing related to academic content
(Cummins 2003)

Common Challenges in Both Urban and Rural Settings
Logistics Around Scheduling
The "territorial" classroom teacher
Respect for and knowledge about the position of the ESL teacher
Communication between classroom teacher and ESL teacher - Curricular, Pedagogical, Cultural

Getting to Know the ELL Student
Language and Culture Questionnaire
Classroom Practice questionnaire
Goals Chart

Classroom Organization
Routines to increase comfort
Visuals to reinforce routines
Safe Havens - Manipulative Tables, Sensory tables, Quiet Reading area, Dramatic Play Area, Opportunity to show competency rather than feel pressure.

Circle Time/Morning Meeting - areas that can be modified for ELLs
Meeting Area
Days of Week
Songs and Movement
Introduction of themes
Personal stories

Classroom Strategies
Language Techniques - Non-verbal communication, keep the message simple, talk about here and now, emphasize important words in sentence, combine gestures with talk
Tell the story rather than read
"Read Alouds" in small groups
Read books more than once
Encourage book sharing
Choose books carefully
(Tabors, 2008)

Additional Techniques
Story Reading: fiction and non
Use Cognates
Choral reading
React and mimic facial expressions associated with language
Act out stories
create an individualized word library
Arrange for peer support - unconditional companion

Lesson Format - dvd clip
Cue to the organized plan (e.g. "folders in")
Relaxation techniques
Discuss last night's story
Read the story (create success from the start)
Review sounds that are in the story
Play a game with the words
Make personal connections to the story
Provide visuals that highlight vocabulary
Engagement throughout!

Dvd lesson - use of idioms (wrong side of the bed), opposite of grumpy, "how do we know...?", each read/then choral read, making predictions, another idiom (blow his top), story done - recall questions, homonyms, digraphs, sky-writing

Classroom Practice Questionnaire
Language and Culture Questionnaire
Goals Chart

Article Provided - Differentiating instructional strategies to support ELL - Buteau and True

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