Sunday, March 15, 2009

Leadership Lessons from Apollo to Discovery - ASCD Conference

Eileen Collins - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Columbia Accident 2003 - Organizational and Cultural Factors (aside from physical/structrual reasons)

Classic Leaderhship Principals - Be the best you can be, work well with people, integrity

Columbia Accident 2003 - NASA asked Air Force to turn satellite to take pictures of wing after foam hit - satellite was never turned, pictures never taken - Many could not believe that the foam would break the heat shield. (Organizational and Cultural Flaw)

Now - robot arm used to take pictures of heat shield, shuttle flips when meeting with space station so they can take pictures even though flight rules prohibited loss of visual with space station(new protocal developed - thinking outside the box)

A leader doesn't need to be liked, a leader needs to be respected.

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