Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Respectful School: Where Every Student Can Learn to Potential - ASCD Conference

8am-9am (Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence)
Anecdote - John decided to skip a school dance. Other boys didn't like it... Started calling him horrible names. Started calling him names in class, pushing in halls, cornered in school yard and attacked, attacked in bathroom, threatened with noose, threatened with gun. Police were finally called after 5 months of this. Boys were arrested and sent to juvenile detention. These boys were 12 years old in Maine in a K-8 school.

Assessment - Rate the school as 1-7 (1 being safest) - Level 6 and 7 are where outside involvement (police etc.) happens.

How would the perception change between asking, administrator, teacher, students?

Student Statements - Feedback from students all over the US regarding their experiences (inappropriate to record)

Key Elements of a Respectful School - Response, Prevention - Develop a Harassment Policy, Discipline System, Faculty and Staff Intervention, Student Programs, Intervention Strategies, Impact Analysis

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